It's not about me or Victor, it's about everything: Bruno Explain row with Lindelof

It's not about me or Victor, it's about everything: Bruno Explain row with Lindelof

Bruno Fernandes admits that all United players were mad when Sevilla scored their second.

"I think when we take a goal it is the fault from everyone, starting in the front," Bruno Fernandes told BT Sport.

"We can’t take a goal from a throw-in in the first half, we need to be better in pressing, they can't come up so easily. After comes mistake after mistake.

We are mad when we take a goal, but the fault is from everyone, not from one player to take the fall, but all the team.

"It's not about me or Victor, it's about everything. What happened between us is nothing. It's normal. It's football. It happens. It's looking out for each other.

"This thing will happen many more times in other teams. The most important thing now is seeing the mistakes we made and look forward to improving in the next games."

Manchester United have lost 2-1 to Sevilla in the Europa League semi-final. Fernandes and Lindelof were involved in a heated discussion after the La Liga side took the lead. Some have suggested that the Swede shouted 'Filho da puta' which roughly translates to English as 'Fuck you, son of a bitch'.
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