Genius: Argentinian farmer cultivate 50-hectare image of Lionel Messi

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Genius: Argentinian farmer cultivate 50-hectare image of Lionel Messi

The name of Messi will remain on the lips of the Argentine for a very long time and most of them will live to tell the stories to lot of generation to come just as Maradona name continue to live even after his death.

With the just concluded fifa World cup and with the performance of Messi which help the Argentine national team to bring the trophy home. 

Most of the fans has been doing a lot of crazy things to express their gratitude towards their super star for bring the trophy home.

Messi image on 50-hectare of farm land

An Argentinian farmer has cultivated a 50-hectare image of Lionel Messi!

As a tribute, a fan from Argentina did something out of the world to cement this historical moment for La Pulga. 

A farmer from Los Condores, Cordoba sowed a 50-hectare cornfield in his village with a massive visual image of the Argentine captain.

Maximiliano Spinazze, the crop farmer who was responsible for this extravagant plantation was proud of his work. He used a special algorithm throughout the huge field to bring out the image of Messi, which can apparently be seen from space as well. “For me, Messi is unbeatable. 

Now they are world champions, I am delighted this can be expressed by planting the crop”, the farmer exclaimed.

The image is visible from space after the man has planted a specially designed cornfield. 😳🇦🇷🐐


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