Glazers at the bottom: European clubs with highest owner funding over last 10 years revealed

Glazers at the bottom: European clubs with highest owner funding over last 10 years revealed

Man United have not received a single pound of owner funding their transfers or anything else over the last 10 years.

A graph created by Twitter user Swiss Ramble shows the Glazers haven’t funded any money from the 2011/12 to 2020/21 season to improve the club.

Some of the other European clubs with zero owner funding include the likes of Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and Tottenham Hotspur.

Man City have received €731m in funds from owners over the last decade, while Chelsea have gotten €791m!

Glazers at the bottom: European clubs with highest owner funding over last 10 years revealed

Inter Milan are in top spot in terms of getting the most finances from owners in the last decade, accounting to €997m!

Everton have received €506m in owner funds over that period, while Leicester City (€383m) and Arsenal (€239m) have also benefitted.

Man United’s impressive revenue generation from sponsorships helps them fund their own transfers and other activities, all while the Glazers pocket lucrative dividends each year.

Source: SwissRamble @Twitter

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