"It drives me mad" - Sean Dyche has banned two items from Everton training


"It drives me mad" - Sean Dyche has banned two items from Everton training

The 51-year-old, rightly or wrongly, earned a reputation for being no-nonsense and traditional in his methods during his time with Burnley.

He promised to make his players 'sweat' and bring back some of the basic principles of what Everton stands for in his first interview. What that involves is several changes around Finch Farm.

He said: "This has been going round for years and it drives me mad. Unless I’ve been out of the game for too long, you’re not allowed to wear hats when you play on a Saturday, you’re not allowed to wear snoods when you play on a Saturday and you have to, by the rules, wear shin pads. It is not rocket science.

"Everyone makes the mythical story that it’s hard lines from Sean Dyche. It is just common sense. You train how you play, how can you train how you play if you have 14 snoods on, 15 hats and leggings, no shin pads, white socks, it’s not relevant. I told the players, 'these myths I’m going to bust them for you right now'.

"I explained to them. There is not a single player here where everything is not explained to them.

"I’d be surprised if any of them are in the dark on anything. I explain everything to them and the reason behind it."

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